Bad credit cards for bad credit: With hundreds of credit cards available to the common consumer on a daily basis it is hard to know which are good credit cards for good credit and which are Bad credit cards for bad credit.
First Premier Bank Gold MasterCard
•59.9 percent APR and a $75 processing set-up fee.
•2nd year, there’s a $75 annual fee, which First Premier charges you at the rate of $6.25 a month.
•$300 credit limit.
First Premier Bank Gold MasterCard
•59.9 percent APR and a $75 processing set-up fee.
•2nd year, there’s a $75 annual fee, which First Premier charges you at the rate of $6.25 a month.
•$300 credit limit.
First Premier Bank Gold MasterCard
•59.9 percent APR and a $75 processing set-up fee.
•2nd year, there’s a $75 annual fee, which First Premier charges you at the rate of $6.25 a month.
•$300 credit limit.
First Premier Bank Gold MasterCard
•59.9 percent APR and a $75 processing set-up fee.
•2nd year, there’s a $75 annual fee, which First Premier charges you at the rate of $6.25 a month.
•$300 credit limit.
First Premier Bank Gold MasterCard
•59.9 percent APR and a $75 processing set-up fee.
•2nd year, there’s a $75 annual fee, which First Premier charges you at the rate of $6.25 a month.
•$300 credit limit.
First Premier Bank Gold MasterCard
•59.9 percent APR and a $75 processing set-up fee.
•2nd year, there’s a $75 annual fee, which First Premier charges you at the rate of $6.25 a month.
•$300 credit limit.